Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sloodle and zombies!

I went to a Sloodle community meeting in Second Life last Thursday morning (6.00am our time) where the Sloodle team demonstrated a zombie game (not really my thing lol). They demonstrated the use of the chat logger and also quiz questions. Basically you had to whack zombies with a sword a certain number of times, and then you were presented with a question to answer. There was a live scoreboard so we could see how all attendees were going. An interesting experiment. The younger kids would enjoy it – was a bit frenetic for me – blood, gore, zombies moaning and groaning. Fire Centaur developed the code for it and is now working with the Sloodle guys permanently I think – so watch out for the zombies! I visited the Sloodle site in SL one night – and the zombies kept following me. It was my first encounter with zombies actually – and I didn’t know why they were there so it freaked me out when they kept following me everywhere!!! I now know that Fire Centaur was just working on the development of this game.

It was useful to see games being used in Second Life / Sloodle and I can see wide application and use for this type of engagement (in other words, I think the kids would love it and it would be a great way to capture their attention!!). Not necessarily using zombies though.... !!


  1. Maybe something much cuter and fluffier. LOL

  2. Yep I had zombies following me last night at the SL island. Didn't realise they were there for educational reasons!

  3. Marlene - Ha cuter and fluffier :-) Yes! Or maybe avatars of hugh jackman :-). Jason - actually they were there for educational reasons on the Sloodle island - but they are probably not educational many other places! Maybe!! Or maybe this is the new thing.... z-learning :-)
