Quick breakdown of the session
- Intro for the session
- Watch Machinima to tell the story of the Scenario which we would get the students - had technical issues which Missy can tell us about, but basically the students watched the machinima in youtube. Probably should make a few comments on the machinima.
- After watching the scenario we 'went' to the various locations to pick up where the machinima left off to role play the scenario's further.
- We debriefed the experience of using SL as a learning environment.
Session Intro
By this session the students are far more familiar with the SL environment which makes the session simpler to run. Interactions worked well, students combined voice and chat well. essentially by the 3rd session it appears that students can be up to speed - even the tech challenged were able to fulfill the essential requirements. This makes it far easier for the lecturers.
Handy having Missy on the side to knock up notecards on the fly and give them to students.
Agree with Lucille on having a list of students to check off. A number of times I lost track of whether all the students were present or had responded to a question.
Great start on Machinima - the crew really did a good job. Some reflections to improve the product
- I am not certain the story makes enough sense without a decent intro/notecard on the scenario.
- The connection between the scenes may have too much of a disconnect. I wonder if we gave the youthworker, dole worker and the girl names then people would be able to track the characters/story line better.
- There is lots of silence between dialogue which feels awkward - either background music will help fill that silence OR the silence could be edit out
- Instead of having the scenes separate running the whole scenario together then roleplaying would work
Additional ideas on using the machinima
- A late idea was to have the 'bodies' of the machinima avatars available for the student avatars to put on as they roleplayed. This is definately something you can only do in SL.
Worked well imho. Process was
- 2 avatars took the roles and roleplayed.
- We paused the roleplaying for other student avatars to provide feedback.
- 2 other avatars took up the roles and played the scenario out to the end
- We debriefed the conclusion.
This was simple to facilitate and worthwhile process.
SL Debrief
Very positive feedback from the participants. I'll leave this to Missy or Lucille to write out. Hopefully someone took notes!
From my memory
- everyone was positive with the SL experience
- everyone indicated SL helped a topic which would normally be 'boring' to be engaging
- there was enthusiasm in thinking through more options for the use of SL (like preaching/mentoring...)
- Very positive. We have ended just as we were getting nearly good at it!!!
- I am certain Lucille, Missy and myself have learnt much in using SL.
- A merged technology approach using moodle and SL makes the most sense. Moodle for assignment work, SL for lectures/engagement.
More ideas
ReplyDeleteGroup Norms in using Second Life
(esp with this topic: ethical and legal practice and also in inducting ppl into SL)
In 1st session
- come up with group communication strategies (ie the 'k')
- include a discussion on what will constitute ethical practice in our SL interactions. ie what behaviours/communication/dress is inappropriate between our avatars. I say this because I have been thinking through how the 'distancing' effect of virtual technologies can mean ppl behave in ways they would never do in RL. (Which granted can be useful, but have attendant risks too)
- a discussion on what we would do (as a group and individuals if we feel the appropriate ethical practice is infringed) would be worthwhile.
Group Work role playing
- (next time) for the scenario it would be important in the 1st phase of the role play to the avatars to lead a discussion with the group what the group work norms are and what outcomes they might be seeking