We started off with a live lecture about Ethics – written by Deanne Gray, and given by Lucille (Meg). We had some discussion scattered in amongst the lecture.
We then hopped down from the elevated lecture area in the sky, and walked over to four large boxes – each containing a notecard with a separate ethical dilemma attached. We discussed two of the scenarios tonight.
Here are a few thoughts I had:
TechnologyI was intending to use WeGame as the screen recording tool, but I gave up on it in the end as I couldn’t seem to record the ‘in-world’ sound. So I quickly downloaded and bought the full version of Fraps (it was only $50.00 so not too pricey).

The free version allows you to record up to 30 seconds but if you want to record more than that you need to purchase the full registered version. It all went pretty smoothly from then actually (in terms of recording).
Camera angles
Camera angles and techniques are a separate matter!!! Actually upon review there are a few nice shots but a fairly obvious point to record here is, whoever is actually doing the recording needs to only concentrate on that! It would have been good to plan some shots and angles but we would need more time and resources (ie people!) to do that properly.
Unnecessary sounds!
A few other things to remember when recording – I should have turned off the keyboard / typing sounds – as I could tell it was a little distracting for Meg (Lucille) as it sounded like someone was asking a question, when it was just me pasting the text of the lecture in the chat. On that though – I think that worked reasonably well – timing it was interesting – do I paste a whole sentence at once… or two… or just a phrase….? :-). We’ll get feedback from the students as to how helpful the lecture text being pasted into chat was.
Lucille’s mic worked today which made a huge difference I think to the smooth running of everything – although having said that, my mic didn’t work when I was recording – but I didn’t need to issue instructions to students so it was fine.
I figured out what I did wrong with the notecards last week - I created three objects and attached notecards to them but had only dropped the notecards into the content of one of them! This week I created four objects and four notecards and it all worked perfectly. Was satisfying to have another chance to figure it out and then get it right. I don't THINK I'll forget that, but I'm recording it here just in case!
I felt the students seem to be reasonably engaged – both Meg (Lucille) and Jason (Ariki) did a great job of checking that the students were all still actively participating.
I’m very tired though! Intense scripting (although basic!!) and building (ok yes still extremely basic!), planning and preparation, then running the session – have been sitting here intensely concentrating since 2.30 and it is now 7.00pm! It’s apparent how much the three of us (Missy, Ariki and Lucille) are all learning though and I’m looking forward to the next session next week. We have a few students creating some Machinima scenarios (animated movies made in Second Life in this instance) for this group of students to view and discuss (if I can actually get the media player working!!).
Trudy (Missy Oximoxi)
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